Egyptian Organizations Should Hire IT Professionals With Better Soft Skills
In today’s digital age, it is essential for Egyptian companies to invest in hiring tech and technical people (IT) with strong soft skills. Having strong technical skills is an important part of being a successful employee in the IT field, but having strong soft skills can make an even bigger impact on a company’s success. Soft skills are interpersonal and communication skills, such as listening, problem solving, self-motivation and networking.
The Role of Soft Skills in Tech & IT
Soft skills may not be as immediately obvious as technical knowledge when hiring an IT team, but they are just as important—if not more so—for success in the technology field. This is because soft skills are transferable across any job role or industry. As such, they can be used to bridge the gap between technical expertise and business impact.
When looking for candidates with strong soft skills, consider qualities such as emotional intelligence (EQ), communication proficiency, leadership potential, creativity and innovation, problem-solving agility, and adaptive self-management. Thinking beyond individual tech skills and focusing on candidates who possess the combination of both hard (technical) and soft (interpersonal) capabilities is key to building a successful IT team.
Here are a few reasons why it is so important for Egyptian companies to hire IT professionals who possess both technical and soft skills.
Improved Communication
One of the most important benefits of having IT professionals with strong soft skills is improved communication. Without effective communication between team members and other departments, projects will take longer to complete and mistakes are more likely to occur. By hiring individuals who have strong soft skills such as communication, problem solving, and empathy, companies can create teams that work together effectively, leading to better results.
Higher Productivity
Another benefit of having employees who possess both technical expertise and strong soft skills is higher productivity levels. Employees who have good interpersonal skills often feel more confident in their abilities to perform tasks efficiently which leads to increased productivity for the team as a whole. Additionally, when employees communicate well with each other they can quickly identify issues or problems and come up with solutions that may result in faster project completion times.
Teamwork & Collaboration
Finally, having IT personnel with great soft skill sets helps foster teamwork and collaboration within the workplace. Individuals who have excellent interpersonal skills are better able to work together as part of a team because they understand how to interact with others in order to get things done quickly and efficiently. This means that projects that require collaboration between multiple departments are more likely to be completed on time without any major hiccups or issues along the way.
Four Essential Soft Skills IT Professionals Must Possess
Technical skills are essential for success in any technical career. However, the most successful technical professionals understand that having a strong set of soft skills is just as important as having technical knowledge. From communication to problem-solving, there are certain soft skills that every technical professional should develop or hone if they want to be successful in their field.
1. Communication
It should come as no surprise that communication is one of the most important soft skills technical people need to succeed. Clear communication is essential when it comes to problem solving and working on technical projects. Technical people need to be able to explain complex concepts in easy-to-understand language and provide clear instructions when necessary. They need to also be good listeners, so they can understand other people’s ideas and provide useful feedback.
2. Teamwork
Technical professionals often work together on projects or tasks, so it’s important that they know how to collaborate effectively with others. They need to be able to contribute their own ideas while still listening and respecting the opinions of others. Teamwork also involves being able to delegate tasks appropriately; not everyone needs or should do everything, so having strong organizational skills is key here. Finally, technical professionals should strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect among their teammates by being considerate and courteous toward others.
3. Adaptability
Technology changes constantly, so it’s important for technical professionals to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in order to remain competitive in their field. This requires being open-minded and willing to learn new things as they come up—an attitude that will serve them well as they progress in their careers. Additionally, learning how to adapt quickly is key; technical professionals will often find themselves having to pivot quickly due to changing customer demands or other unforeseen issues, so it’s important that they can think on their feet and make quick decisions when needed.
4. Problem Solving Skills
Technical professionals must possess strong problem-solving skills if they want to be successful in their field. This includes being able to troubleshoot issues quickly and efficiently while finding innovative solutions for complex problems. Technical professionals must also have the ability to think outside the box and be creative when faced with challenges in order to come up with innovative solutions that meet the needs of their clients or organization’s goals.